Last night we were exploring Tarot Spells which involves a kind of active meditation and moving mentally into the images and the currents of power held by the archetypes within the cards. (See book by Janina Renee)
The Spell we cast was an 'opening' spell, a kind of new beginnings that would move the seekers onto the path of new adventures and awakenings, moving them off the old stagnant paths and onto a journey of discovery. I thought it would be a nice gentle kind of spell as I am teaching the students this way of casting. I know that there is tremendous power in the archetypes which are also directly connected with the paths of the Tree of Life and other cosmic energy surges but my idea was to create a pattern that would allow them to open up a little to new learning and possibilities so it would be easier for them to learn and feel the magick. Nothing more impressive than that!
Maybe I should have thought this through a little more!
I know that Magick is real because I practice it and I had no doubt that it would work. I led them on a guided visualization through the Fool, the angel of Temperance, The World Dancer and the New Born Child of the Sun and we used knot magick to solidify the changes. They went home, I had a cup of tea and went to bed. I had an amazing nights sleep, better than I've had in ages and when I woke up in the morning I felt as if it was Christmas Day and I was 5 years old. I had been worried by some personal problems that lay heavy on my heart, busy with day to day running of the Sacred Cauldron with all the community work and having some painful arthritic joints. When I woke up I felt free! I had no pain, my heart felt light and it was as if my worries had evaporated. I was inspired by all the things I had to do and did not feel overwhelmed.
As I started my day with no fatigue only eager excitement I suddenly stopped and thought: "What's different?" I'm usually an cheerful and optimistic person but this morning I felt like I was on something more than Yorkshire Gold Tea. I looked down at the string still tied around my wrist and remembered the feeling of the spell done in Sacred Space last night. I thought it was a gentle little spell, a nice little magickal working about as world changing as eating a chocolate biscuit, just a nudge to open up to possibilities. Ahem! I am feeling a major shift within me as the innocence and excitement of the Fool leads me into a new phase of my life, protected by a huge being of light, moving through the starry birth canal of the world dancer into transformation and renewal. What on earth was I thinking when I thought this would be little?
Now I wait with gratitude to see where this new life will lead me. Who knew that everything can change in a moment?