Elements of Wicca: an Introduction to Wicca
Classes start Friday, April 4th, 2025, 7-9pm (Full list of dates at the bottom)
Cost for Elements of Wicca is $100
$20 deposit to hold your place
Sliding scale and payment plan available so if you find the cost of this course is too much for you, please pay what you can. No one will be turned away. Includes a digital workbook. Funds raised go to support the Greenwood Sanctuary, our nature preserve.

Elements of Wicca is a course we have been running for more than 20 years helping people interested in Wicca as a spiritual path move from reading to practicing. Many solitary practitioners also enjoy the course to learn more and find a path to move deeper into their spiritual evolution. You will receive the Elements of Wicca Notebook, a 70 page document to use during the course.
We ask you to watch our free video on Wicca as a Spiritual Path before your register to understand more about our Tradition. To go to that link click here
What's in the course?
Week 1
Review Wicca as a spiritual path
Take a quick look at the articles in the beginning of the Notebook.
Explain Circle casting and practice
Read the articles and practice:
Grounding and Centering
Casting the Circle
Being aware of air.
Week 2: Grounding and Shielding
Grounding: Sacred Seed Visualization, Connecting to the Earth Star
Shielding: A little talk about the aura
Why do we sometimes need to shield the aura? How do we cleanse the aura if unwanted energy gets attached to it.
Psychic first aid will be taught along with an introduction to the aura, and preventing burnout from energy overload. Pg. 36
Why Correspondences?
Casting Circle with air
Practice: Connecting with the Spirits of Air: guided visualization
Spirit of Fire: Invoking Fire and Fire Scrying divination
Week 3
We will discuss how to find and meet Wiccan and Pagan groups. How do you judge whether the people you have met are truly practicing Wicca.
Talk on what is a Witch’s Familiar and Wicca as a Shamanic path
How do Witches heal?
Water correspondence
Talk on the 4 paths of training when you start Wicca:
East: Air: Bard
South: Fire: Warrior
West: Water: Healer
North: Earth: Mystic
Center: Spirit 1st degree Initiation
Finding your inner Place of Power
Cast Circle with water after a short meditation on water
Finding the Witch’s power animal/familiar through the POP
The Cone of Power
Week 4: The Goddess and the God
In this class we will explore altered states of consciousness and discuss the 5 Pantheons of the Old Gods.
Practice: Ritual to meet the Goddess and God
Week 5: Living Wicca
This week we will explore the integration of Wicca into the participant's life. P. 54
Creating Ritual
Setting up the Wiccan Altar p.48
Casting Circle and Calling the quarters
Practice: Deep Peace Ritual and knot magick
Week 6: Our Blessed Soul Journey
This week will be a Blessing Ritual created by the participants.
Questions and Answers
For those who want to continue: where do we go from here?
Class Dates 2025*
Friday, April 4th
Friday, April 11th
Friday, April 25th
Friday, May 2nd
Friday, May 9th
Friday, May 23rd
*Please note that there is no class on Friday, April 18th and May 16th
We ask you to watch our free video on Wicca as a Spiritual Path before your register to understand more about our Tradition. To go to that link click here
What's in the course?
Week 1
Review Wicca as a spiritual path
Take a quick look at the articles in the beginning of the Notebook.
Explain Circle casting and practice
Read the articles and practice:
Grounding and Centering
Casting the Circle
Being aware of air.
Week 2: Grounding and Shielding
Grounding: Sacred Seed Visualization, Connecting to the Earth Star
Shielding: A little talk about the aura
Why do we sometimes need to shield the aura? How do we cleanse the aura if unwanted energy gets attached to it.
Psychic first aid will be taught along with an introduction to the aura, and preventing burnout from energy overload. Pg. 36
Why Correspondences?
Casting Circle with air
Practice: Connecting with the Spirits of Air: guided visualization
Spirit of Fire: Invoking Fire and Fire Scrying divination
Week 3
We will discuss how to find and meet Wiccan and Pagan groups. How do you judge whether the people you have met are truly practicing Wicca.
Talk on what is a Witch’s Familiar and Wicca as a Shamanic path
How do Witches heal?
Water correspondence
Talk on the 4 paths of training when you start Wicca:
East: Air: Bard
South: Fire: Warrior
West: Water: Healer
North: Earth: Mystic
Center: Spirit 1st degree Initiation
Finding your inner Place of Power
Cast Circle with water after a short meditation on water
Finding the Witch’s power animal/familiar through the POP
The Cone of Power
Week 4: The Goddess and the God
In this class we will explore altered states of consciousness and discuss the 5 Pantheons of the Old Gods.
Practice: Ritual to meet the Goddess and God
Week 5: Living Wicca
This week we will explore the integration of Wicca into the participant's life. P. 54
Creating Ritual
Setting up the Wiccan Altar p.48
Casting Circle and Calling the quarters
Practice: Deep Peace Ritual and knot magick
Week 6: Our Blessed Soul Journey
This week will be a Blessing Ritual created by the participants.
Questions and Answers
For those who want to continue: where do we go from here?
Class Dates 2025*
Friday, April 4th
Friday, April 11th
Friday, April 25th
Friday, May 2nd
Friday, May 9th
Friday, May 23rd
*Please note that there is no class on Friday, April 18th and May 16th