We are so excited to announce a visit from Christopher Penczak in 2024!!
Christopher Penczak is a modern Witch working in the Temple of Witchcraft tradition and community he helped co-found as a writer, teacher, and minister. His practice focuses on the intersection of Love, Will, and Wisdom as an ethos for today’s Witch, and focuses upon relationships with the plant realm, the patterns of astrology, traditional occultism, and the use of trance in the Craft.
He is the author of many books, including the award winning Temple of Witchcraft series, The Plant Spirit Familiar, and The Mighty Dead, as well as the co-owner of Copper Cauldron Publishing. The Temple of Witchcraft offers in-person and online mystery school and seminary training based upon his teachings.
He will be visiting the Sacred Cauldron (19261 Gore Rd, Summerstown, ON) the weekend of October 4th, 5th and 6th, 2024. This will fill up quickly so please register asap to avoid missing out.
The Anatomy of the Soul
with Christopher Penczak
Friday October 4, 2024 7-9:30 PM
Price: $40
Space is limited so please pay on registration.
To register please click here
This class also available online.
You have a body and a soul, yet ancient philosophers across the world believed it was not so simple. The nature of the soul was more complex, and had many subtleties, and modern religions often neglect this information. Those in the ancient world who mastered the various levels of the soul and their corresponding challenges would awaken deeper levels of consciousness on the path of initiation. Ancient traditions believe that human beings possess not one soul, but multiple souls, each embodying a different part of consciousness. Belief in soul anatomy can be found in the writings and teachings of the Celts, Saxons, Egyptians, Hebrews, Voudouns, Siberian shamans and in modern Hawaiian mysticism. Healing and empowerment involved the balance and harmony of all the souls. Part of the work of the mystic is to forge the Soul Body, unifying the parts into the magickal vessel of consciousness that transcends death. Explore the soul crafting found in the traditions of the Witch, including the development of the Fetch, the Faery Lover and Alchemical Marriage, Overshadowing, and the Soul Gate.
The Soul of Faerie
Weekend Intensive with Christopher Penczak
Saturday October 5 - Sunday October 6, 2024, 10 AM to 6 PM
Price: $180
This class also available online.
Deposit when registering is $90
Click here to register. Space is limited so please register asap to hold your place. Bring your own lunch.
We seek a new understanding and model of the realm of enchantment, corresponding with the models of the Witch’s Soul, yet intimately linked with the landscape and nature. The nature of Faerie is confusing and contradictory until we start to explore the concept of the realm and the beings as one soul, yet many souls. In this unique weekend intensive we will explore how figures like the Queen, King, Nobility, Guardian, Steward, Puck, and Master of the Hunt work together. We will learn how the devas, genius loci, and elementals play a role in the nature of faerie and see how faerie animals work with us. As we explore the myths of familiar faerie queens, including Mab, Una, Morgan, Titania and the Witches Diana, Aradia and Herodias and delve into the various theories on the realm and its beings, we will surely connect with a deeper part of the earth and ourselves. In this amazing weekend you will also discover how faeries might follow a familial line, while others are tied to a land and cannot cross it as we work on finding a greater understanding of traditions past, modern lore and compacts between humanity and the realm of fey. In vision and ritual, work with the Faery realm we will touch on magickal work for the revitalization of the damaged land, the weaving of fate, the restoration of true memory and immersion in the matrix of being to restore the relationships between us and the shining ones.
Christopher Penczak is a modern Witch working in the Temple of Witchcraft tradition and community he helped co-found as a writer, teacher, and minister. His practice focuses on the intersection of Love, Will, and Wisdom as an ethos for today’s Witch, and focuses upon relationships with the plant realm, the patterns of astrology, traditional occultism, and the use of trance in the Craft.
He is the author of many books, including the award winning Temple of Witchcraft series, The Plant Spirit Familiar, and The Mighty Dead, as well as the co-owner of Copper Cauldron Publishing. The Temple of Witchcraft offers in-person and online mystery school and seminary training based upon his teachings.
He will be visiting the Sacred Cauldron (19261 Gore Rd, Summerstown, ON) the weekend of October 4th, 5th and 6th, 2024. This will fill up quickly so please register asap to avoid missing out.
The Anatomy of the Soul
with Christopher Penczak
Friday October 4, 2024 7-9:30 PM
Price: $40
Space is limited so please pay on registration.
To register please click here
This class also available online.
You have a body and a soul, yet ancient philosophers across the world believed it was not so simple. The nature of the soul was more complex, and had many subtleties, and modern religions often neglect this information. Those in the ancient world who mastered the various levels of the soul and their corresponding challenges would awaken deeper levels of consciousness on the path of initiation. Ancient traditions believe that human beings possess not one soul, but multiple souls, each embodying a different part of consciousness. Belief in soul anatomy can be found in the writings and teachings of the Celts, Saxons, Egyptians, Hebrews, Voudouns, Siberian shamans and in modern Hawaiian mysticism. Healing and empowerment involved the balance and harmony of all the souls. Part of the work of the mystic is to forge the Soul Body, unifying the parts into the magickal vessel of consciousness that transcends death. Explore the soul crafting found in the traditions of the Witch, including the development of the Fetch, the Faery Lover and Alchemical Marriage, Overshadowing, and the Soul Gate.
The Soul of Faerie
Weekend Intensive with Christopher Penczak
Saturday October 5 - Sunday October 6, 2024, 10 AM to 6 PM
Price: $180
This class also available online.
Deposit when registering is $90
Click here to register. Space is limited so please register asap to hold your place. Bring your own lunch.
We seek a new understanding and model of the realm of enchantment, corresponding with the models of the Witch’s Soul, yet intimately linked with the landscape and nature. The nature of Faerie is confusing and contradictory until we start to explore the concept of the realm and the beings as one soul, yet many souls. In this unique weekend intensive we will explore how figures like the Queen, King, Nobility, Guardian, Steward, Puck, and Master of the Hunt work together. We will learn how the devas, genius loci, and elementals play a role in the nature of faerie and see how faerie animals work with us. As we explore the myths of familiar faerie queens, including Mab, Una, Morgan, Titania and the Witches Diana, Aradia and Herodias and delve into the various theories on the realm and its beings, we will surely connect with a deeper part of the earth and ourselves. In this amazing weekend you will also discover how faeries might follow a familial line, while others are tied to a land and cannot cross it as we work on finding a greater understanding of traditions past, modern lore and compacts between humanity and the realm of fey. In vision and ritual, work with the Faery realm we will touch on magickal work for the revitalization of the damaged land, the weaving of fate, the restoration of true memory and immersion in the matrix of being to restore the relationships between us and the shining ones.