May Brighid's Flame strengthen you
May Brighid's Shield protect you
May Brighid's Mantle enfold you to keep you warm
May Brighid's healing hands be above you
May Brighid's healing hands be below you
May Brighid's healing hands be behind you
May Brighid's healing hands be before you
May Brighid's healing hands be in you
Every light and every dark
Every day and every night
Every early and every late
May Brighid always be with you.
( prayer by Ysandra Silverneedle, Cill Coll, 17th from the Order of Brighid's Flame copyright 2006 as far as we know. Please contact us with more info if you have it.)
(painting by Helen Nelson Reed used with permission)
May Brighid's Fire fill you with the power of beanacht.
May Brighid's Power surround you with the strength of oak
May Brighid's Strength comfort you with her cloak of emerald light
May Brighid's Loving Heart be above you
May Brighid's Loving Heart be below you
May Brighid's Loving Heart be before you
May Brighid's Loving Heart be behind you
May Brighid's Loving Heart be within you
Every morning and every night
Every dark and every light
Every season under sun and moon
May Brighid's Blessings be upon you
Now and forever more. So mote it be!
(Brighid's Shield version by Meri Fowler)
If you repeat Brighid's Shield (either poem above) or any poem invoking Brighid's Name, She will protect you and heal you. We have Full Moon Healing Ceremonies each month. If you would like us to send you or someone you love special healing in the name of the Lady of Sacred Wells, Brighid, please send us the name of the person.
Deep peace of the running wave to you
Deep peace of the flowing air to you
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you
Deep peace of the glowing flames to you
Deep peace of the gentle night to you
Moon and stars pour their healing light on you
Deep peace of the Lady and Lord to you
Deep peace, deep peace, deep peace, deep peace.
(Modified from Fiona MacCleod)
May Brighid's Shield protect you
May Brighid's Mantle enfold you to keep you warm
May Brighid's healing hands be above you
May Brighid's healing hands be below you
May Brighid's healing hands be behind you
May Brighid's healing hands be before you
May Brighid's healing hands be in you
Every light and every dark
Every day and every night
Every early and every late
May Brighid always be with you.
( prayer by Ysandra Silverneedle, Cill Coll, 17th from the Order of Brighid's Flame copyright 2006 as far as we know. Please contact us with more info if you have it.)
(painting by Helen Nelson Reed used with permission)
May Brighid's Fire fill you with the power of beanacht.
May Brighid's Power surround you with the strength of oak
May Brighid's Strength comfort you with her cloak of emerald light
May Brighid's Loving Heart be above you
May Brighid's Loving Heart be below you
May Brighid's Loving Heart be before you
May Brighid's Loving Heart be behind you
May Brighid's Loving Heart be within you
Every morning and every night
Every dark and every light
Every season under sun and moon
May Brighid's Blessings be upon you
Now and forever more. So mote it be!
(Brighid's Shield version by Meri Fowler)
If you repeat Brighid's Shield (either poem above) or any poem invoking Brighid's Name, She will protect you and heal you. We have Full Moon Healing Ceremonies each month. If you would like us to send you or someone you love special healing in the name of the Lady of Sacred Wells, Brighid, please send us the name of the person.
Deep peace of the running wave to you
Deep peace of the flowing air to you
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you
Deep peace of the glowing flames to you
Deep peace of the gentle night to you
Moon and stars pour their healing light on you
Deep peace of the Lady and Lord to you
Deep peace, deep peace, deep peace, deep peace.
(Modified from Fiona MacCleod)