Automatic (Spirit) Writing
Pop-up Class
Wednesday March 6th at 7pm online
Cost $20
Please pay when you register here

Learn this unique way to receive messages from spirit guides. Automatic or Spirit writing, also called psychography, is a psychic technique allowing a person to produce written words without consciously writing. Practitioners engage in automatic writing by holding a writing instrument and allowing spirits to manipulate the practitioner's hand.
Meri will show you how to use this technique step-by-step to receive clearer messages from your guides, or to interface with your subconscious or Higher Self. Some psychics use Spirit Writing to receive messages from the Beloved Dead (those who have passed).
Please join us for this interesting class. All proceeds go to support Greenwood Sanctuary.
Meri will show you how to use this technique step-by-step to receive clearer messages from your guides, or to interface with your subconscious or Higher Self. Some psychics use Spirit Writing to receive messages from the Beloved Dead (those who have passed).
Please join us for this interesting class. All proceeds go to support Greenwood Sanctuary.